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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Leap into Frogwatch this Spring!

Find out all about our local frogs
Learn how to identify different frog species
Take action to protect these fascinating creatures

Frogwatch is an exciting community activity that is open to everyone with an interest in frogs. Frogwatch aims to involve large numbers of volunteers to undertake frog monitoring in the ACT and region.

To participate, simply come along to one of our free Frogwatch training events, where you will learn all about our amphibian friends. You will receive your free Frogwatch Kit that includes all you need to know to participate in the ACT and Region National Water Week Frogwatch Census in October 2009. See below for more details on Frogwatch training events.

In early Spring 2009, we will be conducting a series of Frogwatch Training Events. You will only need to attend one of these to participate in the spring Census in October. We recommend attending one of the Introductory Seminars if you have never done Frogwatch before, or if you'd like a refresher on the basics of Frogwatching. The Advanced Field Trip is suitable for experienced Frogwatchers who would like to opportunity to learn more about frogs and frogwatching.

Introducing Frogwatch - Frogwatch Basics
This seminar is essential for the first time Frogwatcher or as a refresher for those who have participated in previous years. It will cover all you need to know to participate in the 2009 National Water Week Frogwatch Census, including identifying frog species, using Frogwatch Field Data Sheets, undertaking habitat assessments and performing your first frog monitoring activity.
This seminar will include a short walk in the gardens to practice our frog identification skills. Please be prepared by bringing sturdy shoes, a torch, and wet weather gear if necessary.
Please note: both of these introductory seminars will be the same - you only need to attend on one evening.
Introductory Seminar 1
DATE: Wednesday 23rd September, 2009
TIME: 6:00 - 9:00pm
VENUE: Australian National Botanic Gardens - Education Centre (Crosbie Morrison Building)
Clunies Ross St, Acton
The gates to the botanic gardens will be open from 5:45 pm. Please arrive promptly as the gates will be locked at 6:15 pm sharp! Please understand we are relying on good will from the Australian National Botanic Gardens to allow us to be there after hours so please follow instructions and respect both arrival and departure times.

Introductory Seminar 2 (Repeat of Seminar 1) Note: this session will only run if the first seminar is fully booked
DATE: Wednesday 7th October, 2009
TIME: 6:00 - 9:00pm
VENUE: Australian National Botanic Gardens - Education Centre (Crosbie Morrison Building)
Clunies Ross St, Acton
The gates to the botanic gardens will be open from 5:45 pm. Please arrive promptly as the gates will be locked at 6:15 pm sharp! Please understand we are relying on good will from the Australian
National Botanic Gardens to allow us to be there after hours so please follow instructions and respect both arrival and departure times.

Advanced Frogwatch Training - Field Trip to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve
This seminar is aimed at experienced Frogwatchers, who would like to further develop their identification and monitoring skills. Participants in this field trip will have the opportunity to investigate important components of frog habitat, and talk with expert ecologists in the field. Come along and learn about the Corroboree Frog Breeding Program as well as practice your Frogwatching skills.
DATE: Wednesday 30th September, 2009
TIME: 5:30 - 8:30pm
LOCATION: Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. More detailed directions will be provided upon registration.
We will be walking as a group around the nature reserve, throughout the evening. Please be prepared by bringing sturdy shoes, a torch and wet weather gear if necessary. In case of severe weather conditions, participants who have registered will be advised of an alternative venue closer to the date.
1 October - Start of Frogwatch monitoring period
18 to 24 October - National Water Week - FROGWATCH CENSUS WEEK (all Frogwatch sites monitored this week)
RSVPs are essential. Registrations CLOSE on Wednesday 16 September 2009.

To reserve your place at any of the Frogwatch Training Events, or to register your participation in the Frogwatch Census, please contact:
Emma Keightley
ACT & Region Frogwatch Coordinator
Ginninderra Catchment Group
Ph: 6278 3309

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Important Lessons from the Bible

Why Jesus came:
"that the world might be saved through him"
John 3:17

Who Jesus is going to use to save the world:
"For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God."
Romans 8:19

Our role on earth:
"The LORD God put the man in the Garden of Eden to take care of it and to look after it."
Genesis 2:15

The Five Pillars of A Christian Theology of Sustainability

1. God is the creator, sustainer and redeemer of creation.

2. Covenantal Stewardship (we have a covenant with God as stewards of the earth).

3. The creation-fall-redemption paradigm (God made a good world; human failure broke the relationships between god, man and creation; Christ provides hope for all creation).

4.Bodily resurrection(we will rise with bodies, not as spirits)

5.New Creation (a new Heaven and new Earth refers to a renewal and an earthing of heaven, not starting over).

Adapted from When Enough is Enough: A Christian Framework for Environmental Sustainability, Edited by R.J. Berry, Published by Inter-Varsity Press, 2007, Nottingham p43+